Online learning has never been easier
Powerful Test Creator
Rich test creation options fill your Acts2 site, allowing you to select different question styles, set time limits, and more.
> 10 popular question types
> Randomize test questions
> Limit quiz attempts & answering time
> Show passing grade for assessments
> Automate test results

Online Testing for School & Ministry

Flexible Test Creator Software

Online Exams Made Easy
Easy-to-Use LMS Course-Builder
Create tests and quizzes and add instructors.
> Drag & drop online course-building
> Create your own quizzes using advanced settings
> Assign tasks by using the assignment feature
> Attach or embed video and audio files
> Set an affordable price for each class or offer a course for free

Virtual Learning for
Pastors & Bible Students
Offer your congregation online Bible classes…
> Learn from anywhere on the planet
> Flexible schedule
> Take one class at a time
> Laptop and Internet access
> Work on classes day or night

Acts2.Courses is a project by Levaire.
We are here
Levaire, 233 N Walnut, Lansing, MI 48933
United States of America
+1 (517) 394 3000